Sunday, November 21, 2010


We had a icky day today, freezing rain, icy sleety roads and lots of accidents on the roads. I decided to stay in and nurse my horrendous headache that has been going on since about past 3 weeks. It was nice! Especially after the past few crazy months. It was a quiet, slow and introspective day.

As a child, I was shy and an introvert by clinical definition. I had had a few close, didn't (couldn't) mingle with a large crowd. Married an extrovert, I thought he (my husband Sunil) brought me out of my shell. He loves to mingle, draws energy from large groups and absolutely dislikes being alone. After marriage I was like him (or at least I though I was) for years. Since last few years,I have begun to doubt that. I like being alone, with my thoughts and my favorite things to do. I prefer being with a few close friends rather than a big group. 

I'm wondering if I have come back a full circle or is it my yoga practice! Wish I'd have more days like today.


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